Giving Thanks: part two

Overall the weekend was ok.  It was good and then it became frustrating and confusing, but ended up ok.

Thanksgiving went very well.  We spent the day with my family and didn’t see his.  Although DB invited his parents over for dessert, they declined the invitation to see us and the kids so they could go home to take care of their dog – even though they had a dog-sitter for the day.  Usually this kind of behavior sends me over the edge…I just can’t understand how anyone could put an animal over a human, but I know it happens all the time.  So I let it roll.  And, anyway, it gave me more time to spend with my family.  I was really proud of the entire lot of them – the were civil to DB and didn’t act up or out about the situation.  It was easy to see that DB was uncomfortable and testing out waters, but my family totally rocks…and they were themselves…kind, nice, and even friendly.

However, in a way, I knew my one day of peace was too much to ask for.  During the day DB kept creeping away to check his phone which would vibrate every once in a while in his pocket.  This is where I was shocked that no one in the family said anything.  It was much easier to ignore him.
Then, I went out shopping on black Friday.  I was unsettled from the day and waiting for a shoe to fall so since I couldn’t sleep I got up early and left the house.  During that morning, I know that DB spent time (over an hour and a half of time) on the phone with SB instead of playing with the kids.  The irony of this was that he begged me to keep our son home so he could spend quality time with him.

     Then, suddenly, on Friday night – DB’s head spun around and he spit out split pea soup!  He suggested we get the Christmas tree and decorate it this weekend.  I was wary. What did he want?  But, lo an behold, DB was on a mission.  He and our son picked out a tree that was at least 9 feet tall.  I was stunned. Do you know how much a tree like that costs?  But Scrooge was all about plunking down the cash – EVEN – after I told him that he had to put the lights on because there was no way I could even reach the top of the tree with a step ladder.  And miracle of all miracles, DB hadn’t even taken his phone with him when we went.
     Saturday night DB acted like a little kid putting on the lights, smiling, joking around, and even suggested we decorate the tree on Sunday before going back to work. 
Bah Humbug!
     I tried to put on a smile, but there were so many lingering doubts in my mind that I couldn’t quite wrap my head around what was going on.  I wanted to believe this was a new DB, but really know better.  The storybook character of Scrooge might be able to change in one night, but DB?  I don’t think he was haunted by ghosts.

So – I had to ask myself – Who is this man?
What happened to the cell phone attached DB?

But on Sunday, after spending the whole day with his side of the family, we decorated the tree together – all four of us.  There was no yelling on his part and no shortness of temper.
Was God giving me a Thanksgiving miracle?

I am wary, to say the least, about DB’s behavior.  There is always some kind of string attached to his being a family man. I don’t know when it will pop up, but maybe I should believe in miracles?

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